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Breastfeeding Challenges – Essential Tips and Local Resources for Mothers

The life of a new mother is full of challenges, some expected and some unexpected. Today, we will talk about a commonly faced issue – breastfeeding challenges.

Honestly speaking, breastfeeding is not easy. It takes time and practice for both the babies and mothers to get used to it. Many mothers face challenges. However, the good news is, that with the right kind of support, these issues can be resolved easily.

4 Common Breastfeeding Issues & Tips to Resolve Them

Let’s start with a few common breastfeeding issues and ways to overcome them.

Low Milk Supply

One of the foremost worries among new mothers is that their baby is not getting enough milk. If you are a new mother, this feeling may sound familiar. It may take a little while for you to feel confident that the baby is getting the amount of milk that’s required.

A low supply of milk can be caused due to a variety of reasons such as:

  • Little or no skin-to-skin contact
  • Delay in initiating breastfeeding
  • Low attachment
  • Feeding at fixed times
  • No nighttime feeding
  • Inadequate breastfeeding frequency
  • Short feeds
  • Delay in milk production due to delivery complications, diabetes and other illnesses
  • Lack of confidence
  • Stress and worry
  • Dislike of breastfeeding
  • Lack of bonding
  • Tiredness

This can be overcome in a variety of ways such as:

  • Alternating the breast you start with or offering your baby both breasts at each feed can stimulate your milk supply.
  • Keeping your baby close and having skin-to-skin contact will also help.
  • Practising rooming-in, which is staying and sleeping in the same room as your baby throughout the day.
  • Exclusively breastfeeding unless the milk supply is so low that your healthcare provider suggests you start giving your child external milk.

If these tips don’t work, we suggest to schedule a lactation consultation. A professional can give you various breastfeeding tips to deal with such issues.

Latching Issues

A very common issue that many women face is inadequate latching. Breastfeeding is a skill that your baby and you learn together. So, it may a while for both of you to get the hang of it.

But how do you know if your baby is latching properly? Facing pains while breastfeeding or if your baby is not satisfied after feeds may be signs that your baby is not latching properly.

Here are some steps you can take to ensure proper latching:

  • Align your baby’s nose directly in front of your nipple.
  • Gently tilt their head back slightly so that their upper lip grazes your nipple. This will encourage them to open their mouth.
  • When their mouth opens wide, swiftly bring them to the breast with their head still tilted back. This helps them latch onto both the nipple and a significant portion of the surrounding breast tissue.
  • Over time, your breast will settle deeply in their mouth, positioning the nipple comfortably in the soft area near the back of their mouth.

This will ensure that your baby gets all the milk required and your nipples don’t feel sore. Some of the common signs of good latching are:

  • A pain-free, comfortable experience
  • A larger portion of the areola is visible above the baby’s upper lip compared to below the lower lip
  • The baby’s mouth is open wide
  • The baby’s lower lip is flared outward
  • The baby’s chin is touching or almost touching your breast

Nipple Pain

Nipple pain usually arises from sore or cracked nipples, which is often an outcome of the baby not being well positioned or attached to the breast. Tolerating it can make the pain worse and lead to more discomfort. Hence, it is essential to ensure that the baby is latched properly.

If one or both of your nipples crack or bleed, contact your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant immediately. They will be able to provide you with solutions that can help. You can also dab a little bit of expressed breastmilk onto the nipples after you feed. The healing properties of the breastmilk can provide relief from the soreness.

Breast Engorgement

When the breasts are too full of milk it is known as breast engorgement. As a result of this, your breasts may feel painful and tight. Engorgement usually happens in the early days of breastfeeding as it can take a few days for your milk supply to match your baby’s needs. However, engorgement may also happen when the baby is older as they may have already started on solid foods and do not feed regularly.

Breastfeeding Aids

While these tips are some of the most commonly used, sometimes overcoming these issues can be easier said than done. In such situations, you can either take the help of other mothers who have faced similar issues or a professional to overcome them.

You can find several breastfeeding support groups in Malaysia and online breastfeeding resources that can help you connect with other mothers who are or have faced similar issues. You can ask your healthcare provider for breastfeeding workshops and participate in them during pregnancy to get the hang of it.

If issues are more severe, you may need the help of a lactation consultant who can help you navigate through this challenging breastfeeding journey. A lactation consultant is a professional who provides expert breastfeeding support to mothers. They are trained to work with infants and parents and help them navigate feeding challenges. You can go for a lactation consultation while you are pregnant, immediately after birth or several months into breastfeeding. Lactation support can vastly improve your breastfeeding journey.

Contact your healthcare provider if you are suffering from breast engorgement.

Breastfeeding Support from TrueCare2U

TrueCare2U is a leading home-based medical services provider offering you a range of services including breastfeeding support. You can seek the help of leading lactation consultants in Malaysia from the comfort of your home.

TrueCare2U also provides a range of maternity care services to provide you with holistic maternity care. The app lists specialised nurses and healthcare providers who can assist you with different aspects of pre and post-natal care including confinement care.

Download the TrueCare2U app now to explore our range of maternity care services.

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