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Bone Health Matters: Top Tips for Osteoporosis Prevention in Malaysia

One of the most crucial components of our body, but often ignored, is our bones. Bones not only provide structure to the body but also play multiple roles in keeping us healthy such as protecting our organs, storing calcium and anchoring muscles. Bones play a crucial role in our day-to-day functioning, and thus they need to be taken care of. Hence, bone health should not be ignored, no matter how old you are.

Our bone structure is not fixed. New bones are made continuously and old bones are broken down. When we’re young, the body makes new strong bones faster than old ones. However, as we age, this process slowly reverses, leading to losing more bones than gaining. This can gradually lead to several diseases, osteoporosis being one of the primary ones. Osteoporosis is a condition where our bones become brittle and weak.

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis

The chances of developing osteoporosis are increased due to many reasons. You may not have control over some of these like your age, sex or genes. However, some factors can be controlled, enabling you to prevent the disease – and these are your day-to-day activities. Let’s take a closer look at some of the things you can do for osteoporosis prevention, especially when you’re young.

Regular Physical Exercise for Osteoporosis

Regular exercise is one of the most important aspects of keeping your bones healthy. Like your muscles, your bones get stronger when you workout. Let’s take a look at some of the most beneficial exercises for bone health.

  • Resistance exercises and weight-bearing exercises are especially beneficial for improving bone density, thus preventing osteoporosis.
  • Resistance exercises are those where your muscles are used for exercising. Weight lifting, push-ups or using weight training at a gym are examples of resistance training.
  • Weight-bearing exercises are those where the weight is supported by your legs and feet. Some of the most common weight-bearing exercises are aerobics, running, skipping, dancing, and jumping on the spot. These exercises strengthen your joints, muscles and ligaments. Weight-bearing exercises are particularly beneficial for people over the age of 60. They can engage in age-appropriate exercises such as brisk walking or a game of tennis.

Nutrition for Strong Bones

A balanced and healthy diet plays another crucial role in bone health. Proper nutrition plays an important role in preventing various health conditions including diabetes, heart disease and many kinds of cancer. One of the crucial components of bone is calcium. On average, adults need 700mg of calcium a day, which you should obtain from your daily diet. For this, you need to be aware of calcium sources in Malaysia.

Here are some calcium-rich foods that you can include in your diet:

  • Dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Dry fruits
  • Tofu

Another important aspect that you should keep in mind is vitamin D for bone health. It helps your body to absorb calcium, thus contributing to stronger bones and teeth. An adult should consume 10 micrograms of vitamin D per day.

Some of the good sources of vitamin D in Malaysia are:

  • Red meat
  • Oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring
  • Liver
  • Egg yolk

You should also get your Vitamin D levels checked regularly and if there’s a deficiency you can take vitamin D and calcium supplements.

Lifestyle Modifications for Osteoporosis

While diet and exercise are the two most important factors contributing to bone health, a few lifestyle modifications also play a crucial role.

  • Smoking and osteoporosis are closely linked. It is essential to stop smoking for bone health.
  • Alcohol and bone health are also interlinked. Moderation in alcohol consumption is important. It is most important to avoid binge drinking.
  • Sunlight triggers Vitamin D production in our body. Hence, it’s important to go outdoors and get enough sunlight to keep our bones healthy. Fortunately, there’s no dearth of sunlight in Malaysia throughout the year. However, most of our daily life involves being indoors for long periods. Plan for various outdoor activities during weekends to ensure you get your quota of sunlight, which in turn will trigger Vitamin D production.
  • Some studies suggest that colas and carbonated drinks lead to bone loss. These drinks contain extra phosphorus that prevents your body from absorbing calcium. Replacing sodas with calcium-rich drinks such as milk can be beneficial for your bones.

Osteoporosis Prevention in Older Adults

Senior citizens are at a higher risk of osteoporosis since our bones become brittle with time. Apart from the measures discussed above, here are some of the things which require special attention for older adults:

  • A person’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals reduces as they age. In most cases, older adults suffer from vitamin D and calcium deficiency. These levels should be kept in check and supplements need to be taken after consulting with doctors.
  • Older adults often suffer from malnutrition as they tend to eat less as they age. This may lead to inadequate protein intake. Hence, they need to eat a balanced diet to ensure they get enough protein.
  • Regular physical activity improves posture, balance, coordination and muscle strength – things people struggle with as they age. All seniors should be involved in some kind of physical activity every day.
  • Seniors struggle with balance which can result in falls. It is important to be cautious about it.
  • Consult your doctor for bone health assessment, especially if you carry any of the risk factors for osteoporosis.

A Final Word

Bone health should never be taken lightly. During youth, ensure to take precautions to ensure you maintain your bone health. As you age, opt for regular bone health check-ups in Malaysia and osteoporosis screening to gauge the condition of your bones and take remedial actions if required. You should consider this seriously especially if you’re a woman and above the age of 40 or you are a senior citizen. Stronger bones make the right foundation for a stronger body.

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